Paediatric ENT / Children ENT

Children are more prone to ENT conditions because many structures within the ENT region are developmentally immature in children and are prone to dysfunction (poor or abnormal functioning).

Some of the common ENT problems in children are related to an immature immune system, nasal allergy or sensitive nose, immature Eustachian tube function (tube that connects middle ear to back of the nose), underdeveloped sinuses, and enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

Children also do not complain of their ENT symptoms resulting in many conditions being inadequately managed or left undetected. Commonly masked symptoms of ENT conditions in children include poor sleep from nasal blockage leading to poor concentration, irritability or behavioural changes and poorer grades in school. Sinusitis leads to middle ear fluid causing undiagnosed hearing loss and subsequent delay in speech development and learning disabilities.

Common Paediatric Conditions treated by G CHEE EAR NOSE THROAT CENTRE include

  1. Ear Infections
  2. Ear wax
  3. Middle Ear Infection (Acute Otitis Media)
  4. Middle Ear Effusion (OME)
  5. Allergic Rhinitis
  6. Rhinosinusitis
  7. Epistaxis (bleeding from the nose)
  8. Chronic Sinusitis
  9. Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
  10. Tonsillitis
  11. Tonsillar and adenoidal Hypertrophy

Commonly performed procedures in Paediatric ENT include

  1. Silver Nitrate Cautery for epistaxis
  2. Grommet tube insertion
  3. Tonsillectomy/ Adenoidectomy
  4. Sinus Washout
  5. Turbinate Reduction